Momina Aisha

Momina Aisha

I am Tayyaba Ahsan. I have a BS Honours in Zoology, where I specialized in analyzing animals' biological and physiological behaviors. I am a pet lover and raised three baby kittens. They have been more than just kittens; they have been my babies and source of inspiration. I enjoyed being with three cats, each with their unique personality. They have taught me understanding, patience, and little things in life. The bond with my cats has made life more prosperous and more meaningful. Dive into complete articles that discover diverse tom cat behavior, health, and care factors. With my history in zoology, I make sure that every content material is subsidized using medical studies and my private experiences.

Can a barn owl eat a cat?

Curiosity has led us to explore the boundaries of nature, often sparking fascinating questions that pique our interest.  Today, we tackle one such enigma that has left pet owners and wildlife enthusiasts wondering. Can a barn owl eat a cat?…

How To Protect Couch From Cat Pee

How To Protect Couch From Cat Pee

Discovering that your cat has decided to use your couch as its restroom can be frustrating and saddening. However, it is essential to understand the reasons behind how to protect the couch from cat pee behavior to find a lasting…