Momina Aisha

Momina Aisha

I am Tayyaba Ahsan. I have a BS Honours in Zoology, where I specialized in analyzing animals' biological and physiological behaviors. I am a pet lover and raised three baby kittens. They have been more than just kittens; they have been my babies and source of inspiration. I enjoyed being with three cats, each with their unique personality. They have taught me understanding, patience, and little things in life. The bond with my cats has made life more prosperous and more meaningful. Dive into complete articles that discover diverse tom cat behavior, health, and care factors. With my history in zoology, I make sure that every content material is subsidized using medical studies and my private experiences.

How Long Can Cats Hold Their Pee(2023)

How Long Can Cats Hold Their Pee

As cat owners, we strive to provide the best care for our feline companions. One aspect of their well-being that often goes unnoticed is their urinary habits. How long can cats hold their pee? It’s a question worth exploring to…

How To Prevent Cats From Eating Plants

How To Prevent Cats From Eating Plants

When it comes to keeping your beloved houseplants safe from the curious paws of your feline friends, implementing effective strategies is essential. Understanding how to prevent cats from eating plants can help ensure the well being of both your pets…

Why Is My Cat Meowing So Much After Moving?

Why Is My Cat Meowing So Much After Moving?

“Moving to a new home can be an exciting adventure for humans and their feline companions. However, if you’ve noticed that your beloved cat has suddenly become quite the chatty Cathy since the big move, you might wonder what’s happening.…

How To Stop Cat From Scratching Door Frames

How To Stop Cat From Scratching Door Frames

Are your door frames resembling a battleground, thanks to your mischievous feline’s relentless scratching? We feel your pain! But fret not, dear cat parents, because we’ve got the perfect solution for you.  In this blog post, we’ll unveil some tried-and-true…

Why Do Cat Scratches Burn So Bad

Why Do Cat Scratches Burn So Bad

“Curious cat owners, have you ever wondered why those seemingly harmless scratches from your feline friend can cause such an intense burning sensation? We’ve all experienced it – that fiery sting that leaves us wondering if our beloved kitties are…

How long Can A Cat Be In A Carrier?

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but what about being confined in a carrier? How long is too long for our feline friends to be cooped up inside this seemingly small space? Whether planning a trip to the vet or…